Rand Miller: It’s a great feeling to be working on a larger project that will give players the same feeling that Myst did. How does it feel, especially with the support received through Kickstarter? It’s been a long time since the Miller brothers came together for an honest to goodness Myst title. "There’ll be plenty of switches and knobs. Designing Myst-like adventure games involves a lot of work trying to make the puzzles feel like they belong in the world – not just arbitrary or contrived."

GamingBolt spoke to Miller about the game’s origins, the mechanics Obduction will use in this age of choice-based adventure titles, development on Unreal Engine 4 and much more. Though it can be considered a spiritual successor to Myst, Obduction is very much its own mysterious beast. After several years of traditional Myst titles, Rand Miller is returning to the adventuring forefront with Obduction developed by Cyan, Inc. The game’s gorgeous visuals and intriguing story helped bring more awareness to the adventure genre, even if it’s abstract puzzles led to much frustration. Though the point and click adventure genre owes as much of its success to Monkey Island, Leisure Suit Larry, Full Throttle and other classic titles, it also owes its popularity to Myst.

If you haven’t ever heard of Myst, much less Riven, then we don’t know what to tell about adventure gaming in general.