If you’re into hectic fights and if massive amounts of blood don’t deter you, then try Aliens vs Predator. Luckily, that doesn’t detract from the game too much. Single player is short though and the shady balance between the three races messes things up sometimes. Multiplayer matches are hectic in a good way and audio-visually, the game delivers. Use the indicated client to activate key and download and play your game. Gameplay is fun and extensive thanks to the different play styles of the three races. Compare prices of over 40 stores to find best deals for Aliens vs.

Predator franchise, a combination of the. Play as the Alien – offers you the chance to play as the very stuff of nightmares – the monster in the dark swarming forward with countless others, jaws like a steel trap and claws like blades.Īliens Versus Predator offers a good mix of tension, horror and stealth, which fans of the series will definitely appreciate. The game is not a sequel to the previous game Aliens versus Predator 2, but a reboot based on the Alien vs.Play as the Predator, you will stalk from the shadows and from above, passing athletically through the treetops to ambush your victims.Play as as the Marine, you’ll experience a claustrophobic and terrifying experience where light is your friend, but there’s never enough.Eat or be Eaten! Be the Hunter or become the prey in this thrilling FPS survival game 0:00 / 22:12 AVP: Aliens VS Predator - Redemption TheGreatDeadpoolio 24.8K subscribers Subscribe 79 Share Save 5.7K views 9 years ago AVP: Redemption is a fan movie made by Alex A.